
All times PT

8:30 am
Breakfast + coffee

9:00 am

  • Brent Orrell, Julia Lane: Industries of Ideas

  • Nestor Maslej: Housekeeping

9:15 am
Opening Keynote #1

Erik Brynjolfsson:  Stanford Digital Economy Lab and AI measurement

9:30 am
Opening Keynote #1

Susan Athey: Issues in Measuring AI

9:45 am
Session 1, Part 1:
Research Perspectives on AI Measurement

Individuals conducting research in AI will offer their perspectives on the opportunities, challenges, and possibilities of AI measurement. This is the first part of a two-part series.

  • Jason Owen Smith, Institute for Research on Innovation and Science, University of Michigan

  • Lee Branstetter, Carnegie Mellon

  • Respondent: Diane Coyle, University of Cambridge

10:30 am

A 15-minute pause with coffee, refreshments, and snacks.

10:45 am
Session 1, Part 2:
Research Perspectives on AI Measurement

Individuals conducting research in AI will offer their perspectives on the opportunities, challenges, and possibilities of AI measurement. This is the second part of a two-part series.

  • Sonny Tambe, Wharton

  • Nestor Maslej, AI Index

  • Respondent: Will Rinehart, American Enterprise Institute

11:30 am
Session 2: Perspective from NAIRR

NAIRR Task Force members will offer their perspectives on the challenges they encountered with AI measurement while working on the NAIRR task force.

  • Julia Lane, NYU (NAIRR TF member)

  • Manesh Parashar, University of Utah (NAIRR TF co-chair)

  • Fei-Fei Li, Stanford HAI (NAIRR TF member)

  • Respondent: Suzette Kent, Former Federal Chief Information Officer of the United States, OECD.AI Network of Experts

12:30 pm

A 45-minute lunch at HAI.

1:15 pm
Job Loss, Displacement and AI: Anticipating and Preventing Their Costs

Harry Holzer, Georgetown University

1:30 pm
Session 3: Perspective from Data Collection Agencies and Organizations

This session features presentations from individuals who work in organizations that collect data that could be used to measure AI.

  • Adam Leonard, Texas Workforce Commission

  • Lesley Hirsch, New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development

  • Nela Richardson, ADP Research Institute 

  • Karin Kimbrough, LinkedIn Economic Graph

  • Respondents: Josh Hawley, Ohio State University, and Brent Orrell (AEI)

2:45 pm

A 30-minute pause.

3:15 pm
Session 3: Perspective from Data Collection Agencies and Organizations

Representatives from various federal statistical agencies will offer their perspectives on the challenges associated with measuring AI.

  • Vipin Arora, Bureau of Economic Analysis

  • David Wasshausen, Bureau of Economic Analysis 

  • Emilda Rivers, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics

  • Nancy Potok, Former Chief Statistician of the United States

4:15 pm
Concluding Remarks

Concluding remarks from the organizing committee: Julia, Brent, and Nestor.

4:30 pm

A 2.5-hour pause.

7:00 pm

Off-campus dinner in Palo Alto.